Exhibit 99.5


Advanced Therapy Logistics and Solutions Group





Consolidated IFRS Financial Statements


September 30, 2020


(Expressed in Euros)





Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 3
Consolidated Statement of Income 4
Income and comprehensive income 4
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 5
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity 6
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 7
Note 1: Significant accounting principles 8
Note 2: Use of estimates, judgments and assumptions 9
Note 3: Financial risk management 9
Note 4: Scope and methods of consolidation 10
Note 5: Cash and cash equivalents 12
Note 6: Account receivables 12
Note 7: Inventories 13
Note 8: Other current assets 13
Note 9: Property and equipment, and rights of use assets 14
Note 10: Goodwill 15
Note 11: Intangible assets 16
Note 12: Current and deferred tax assets and liabilities 16
Note 13: Accounts payable 17
Note 14: Other current liabilities 17
Note 15: Short-term debts and long-term debts 18
Note 16: Accrued pension plan liability 19
Note 17: Share capital 19
Note 18: Revenue recognition 20
Note 19: Other operating income and expenses 20
Note 20: Financial result 20
Note 21: Income tax 21
Note 22: Off-balance sheet commitments and contingent liabilities 21
Note 23: Related party disclosures 22
Note 24: Subsequent events 22





Consolidated Statement of Financial Position


In thousands of euros   Notes     09/30/2020  
Cash and cash equivalents     5       7,063  
Accounts receivable     6       8,810  
Inventories     7       548  
Other current assets     8       3,960  
Total current assets             20,381  
Property and equipment and right of use assets     9       4,265  
Goodwill     10       15,601  
Intangible assets     11       2,899  
Deferred income taxes     12       234  
Non-current financial assets             176  
Total non-current assets             23,175  
Total Assets             43,556  


In thousands of euros   Notes     09/30/2020  
Accounts payable     13       5,479  
Other current liabilities     14       3,303  
Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt     15       21,765  
Total current liabilities             30,547  
Accrued pension plan liability     16       247  
Long-term debt     15       4,904  
Total non-current liabilities             5,151  
Total liabilities             35,698  
Share capital     17       12,433  
Consolidated reserves             (3 )
Cumulative translation reserve             178  
Profit (loss) for the year attributable to shareholders             (4,750 )
Equity - attributable to shareholders             7,858  
Total Equity             7,858  
Total Equity and Liabilities             43,556  





Consolidated Statement of Income


          09/30/2020     09/30/2020  
In thousands of euros   Notes     Statutory     Proforma  
Revenue     18       6,732       31,529  
Cost of sales             -4,606       -20,029  
Sales, General and Administration costs             -286       -2,385  
Employee benefits / staff costs             -1,437       -7,063  
EBITDA             404       2,053  
Depreciation and amortization             -326       -1,486  
Current operating profit             78       567  
Other operating income and expenses     19       -2,632       -3,100  
Operating profit             -2,554       -2,533  
Interest and debt expense             -1,535       -1,744  
Financial result     20       -1,535       -1,744  
Profit before tax             -4,089       -4,277  
Income tax     21       -661       -1,061  
Net income from continuing operations             -4,750       -5,338  
Net result             -4,750       -5,338  
Profit (loss) for the year attributable to shareholders             -4,750       -5,338  
Basic earning per share in euros     17       -0.39       -0.43  
Diluted earning per share in euros     17       -0.36       -0.40  


Proforma statement of income includes the effects of the CryoPDP group acquisition as if this acquisition had occurred on January 01, 2020 whereas statutory statement includes the effects of this acquisition on July 29 its effective date.


Income and comprehensive income


          09/30/2020     09/30/2020  
In thousands of euros   Notes     Statutory     Proforma  
Net result             -4,750       -5,338  
Foreign currency translation adjustments                  178       -438  
Items that may subsequently recycled to profit or loss             178       -438  
Comprehensive income             -4,572       -5,776  





Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows


In thousands of euros   Notes     2 months  
Net result             (4,750 )
Depreciation and amortization             326  
Interest and debt expense             1,535  
Income tax             661  
Non-cash items             2,522  
(Increase)/decrease in inventories             29  
(Increase)/decrease in accounts receivable             751  
Increase/(decrease) in accounts payable             (582 )
Change in other receivables and payables             1,460  
Changes in working capital related to operating activities             1,658  
Income taxes paid             (510 )
Net cash flows from operating activities             (1,080 )
Capital expenditures             (359 )
Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired             136  
Net cash used in investing activities             (223 )
Interests paid             (1,352 )
Additional borrowings             25,045  
Repayments of borrowings             (27,787 )
Capital increase             12,433  
Net cash (used in)/from financing activities             8,339  
Exchange (losses)/gains on cash and cash equivalents             27  
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents             7,063  
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period     5       0  
Cash and cash equivalents at period end     5       7,063  
Cash and cash equivalent             7,063  
Less bank overdrafts                
Net cash and cash equivalents             7,063  





Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity


In thousands of euros   Notes     Share capital     Foreign
    Net profit
(loss) for the
    Equity -
attributable to
    Total Equity  
January 1st, 2020     18       0       0       0       -3       -3               -3  
Increase (decrease) in capital             12,433                               12,433               12,433  
Allocation of net profit from prior period                             0               0                    0  
Net income                     178       -4,750               -4,572               -4,572  
September 30, 2020     18       12,433       178       -4,750       -3       7,858               7,858  





Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


The consolidated financial statements of Advanced Therapy Logistics and Solutions Group (“Atlas” or “Atlas Group” or “Group”) for the period ended September 30, 2020 are the first consolidated financial statements prepared by the company. They are prepared in accordance with IFRS accounting standards published by the IASB as of September 30, 2020 and on a going concern basis.


IFRS are available on the website of the IASB: https://www.ifrs.org/issued-standards/list-of-standards/


These consolidated financial statements have therefore been prepared in accordance with the provisions of IFRS 1, First-time Adoption of IFRS, with the first-time application procedures described below.


These consolidated financial statements are based on standards and interpretations that are mandatory for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2020. The Group has not early adopted any standards and interpretations whose application is not mandatory in 2020.


Other standards, amendments and interpretations applicable to the Group as of January 1, 2020:


- Amendments to IAS 19 Employee Benefits.


- IFRIC 23 Uncertainty about Tax Treatment.


The application of the standards and interpretations described above has no significant impact.


The financial statements are presented in thousands of euro unless otherwise indicated. The financial statements as of September 30, 2020 were closed by the Chairman on November 20th, 2020.


Pro forma information


At the beginning of 2020, Atlas was an empty holding company under the ownership of Hivest Capital Partners (“HCP”), an independent French private equity firm. On July 29th, 2020, Atlas acquired the CryoPDP group (“CryoPDP”) through the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Cryo International S.A. from Air Liquide SA (“ALSA”)


CryoPDP provides temperature-controlled logistics and value-added services for clinical trials and the pharmaceutical industry worldwide.


The financial statements include a pro forma Statement of Income for the 9 months period from January 1st to September 30, 2020. This pro forma Statement of Income is intended to facilitate future comparisons and evidence the impact of the acquisition of Cryo International shares. The proforma are prepared as if the acquisition by Atlas had taken place on January 1st, 2020.





Change in ownership


Cryoport Inc. announced on August 21, 2020 that it has signed an agreement to acquire the CryoPDP Group from HCP through the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Atlas. This acquisition was made via Cryoport Netherlands BV (Cryoport NV), a Dutch based company 100% affiliate of Cryoport Inc. (Nasdaq listed) on the October 1st, 2020.


Covid 19


In the context of Covid19 pandemic, the first 9 months of 2020 were impacted by containment measures in nearly all the countries in which CryoPDP operates. In this context, activity did not grow as expected mostly due to delayed clinical trials, postponed to 2021. As a result, the CryoPDP Group did not reach its double digit expected growth for 2020. However, the CryoPDP Group's revenue is still growing and despite this difficult context, the pipeline has never been so high with both existing and new customers, and Covid period was used to expand on new markets and reinforce relationships with customers finding tailor made solutions to respond to 100% of their needs. CryoPDP has maintained its efforts and kept recruiting people over the period to respond to client needs and coming growth with a focus on the mid and long term. Covid-related extra costs amounted to 632k€ from January to September 2020, mainly transport costs representing a direct loss. On the opposite, the CryoPDP Group has received very limited government grants: grants received represent only 13k€ in the UK and 31k€ in Singapore. Despite Covid, DSO reduced from 100 days to 77 days as of the end of September 2020. The target remains to reach the 70 days of DSO by year end.


Note 1: Significant accounting principles


The consolidated financial statements are presented in accordance with the standard "Presentation of Financial Statements" ("IAS 1").


Basis of presentation


Atlas' consolidated financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention except for financial assets which are measured at fair value.


The fair value of cash, trade receivables, trade payables, other receivables and other payables is equal to their carrying value due to the short-term nature of these instruments. Intra-group transactions, balances and unrealized gains on intercompany transactions between CryoPDP companies are eliminated. Unrealized losses are also eliminated for assets sold and are considered as an indicator of impairment. The accounting policies of subsidiaries have been aligned with those of CryoPDP.


Atlas entities' financial statement data is converted into group functional currency, the euro. The presentation currency of Atlas' financial statements is therefore the euro.


The financial statements of all Group entities (none of which operates in a hyperinflationary economy) whose functional currency is different from the presentation currency are translated into the presentation currency as follows:


- assets and liabilities are translated at the closing rate at the date of each balance sheet,


- income and expenses for each income statement are translated at the average exchange rate;


- all resulting translation differences are recognized as a separate component of other comprehensive income.


These consolidated financial statements are presented in thousands of euro, unless otherwise indicated.





Note 2: Use of estimates, judgments and assumptions


The preparation of financial statements requires Atlas' management to make estimates and assumptions that may affect the carrying amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses and the information disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. Atlas' management makes these estimates and assessments on an ongoing basis based on past experience and other factors deemed reasonable, which form the basis of these assessments. They may change as a result of events or information that could call into question the circumstances in which they were prepared at the end of each fiscal year. The amounts that will appear in its financial statements may differ from these estimates as a result of changes in these assumptions or different conditions.


Note 3: Financial risk management


Atlas is mainly exposed to the following risks: credit risk, interest rate risk and liquidity risk, and management has put in place the necessary structures to cover these risks.


Based on an average debt of 22 million euros, a 1% change in interest rates would have an impact of 220 K euros on net financial income.


Given the quality of the Group's customer portfolio and its credit risk management policy, the Group has a history of insignificant credit losses (approx. 0.7% of revenues).


Client risk is limited due to the structure of the client portfolio with a large majority of solvent international groups with sufficient financial strength to not be at risk of bankruptcy due to Covid 19. The only entity with a customer portfolio that structurally includes smaller customers is the French entity for which a collection team and a partnership with a collection agency is in place. Finally, most our balance's historical customers are still active customers, reducing the risk of non-payment.


The Group's working capital requirement is financed by the remittance of a portion of its trade receivables to factoring companies or by the assignment of receivables.





Note 4: Scope and methods of consolidation


Subsidiaries over which Atlas controlled more than half of the voting rights, are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Group. They are deconsolidated from the date on which control ceases to be exercised.


Business combinations are accounted for using the purchase method in accordance with IFRS 3. The cost of a business combination corresponds to the fair value, at the date of exchange, of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed and equity instruments issued by the Group in exchange for control of the acquiree.


          09/30/2020     09/30/2020     09/30/2020
Company name   Siren or
ATLAS     841 182 272                     Parent
ATLAS BIDCO     885 010 249       100.00 %     100.00 %   I.G
CRYO INTERNATIONAL     529,218,687       100.00 %     100.00 %   I.G
SPL - SERVICES LIMITED     England       100.00 %     100.00 %   I.G
CRYO EXPRESS     428,782,833       100.00 %     100.00 %   I.G
CRYO EXPRESS zoo     Poland       100.00 %     100.00 %   I.G
CRYO EXPRESS Gmbh     Germany       100.00 %     100.00 %   I.G
PDP COURIER SERVICES     England       100.00 %     100.00 %   I.G
PDP COURIER SERVICES INC     United States       100.00 %     100.00 %   I.G
LIFE SCIENCE LOGISTICS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED     India       100.00 %     100.00 %   I.G
PDP COURIER SERVICES LIMITED     Korea       100.00 %     100.00 %   I.G
PDP COURIER SERVICES PTE LIMITED     Singapore       100.00 %     100.00 %   I.G
ICS DRY ICE     Netherlands       100.00 %     100.00 %   I.G
CRYO EXPRESS PTY LTD     Australia       100.00 %     100.00 %   I.G
CRYOPDP GLOBAL SERVICES     Portugal       100.00 %     100.00 %   I.G
M = Parent company                            
I.G = Fully consolidated                            


The Russian, Malaysian and Hong Kong subsidiaries are not consolidated as they have no business and are not significant.


Business combinations


In July 2020, the Group acquired 100% of the shares of Cryo International, holding company of the CryoPDP group from Air Liquid for 3 534 K euros.


According to IFRS 3, the group will have to identify and estimate at fair value all assets and liabilities of the CryoPDP group in order to allocate the purchase price. This will be done in a later stage within the 12 months following the acquisition on July 29, 2020. All following disclosures are based on historical book value in CryoPDP books prior to acquisition, except for the prior goodwill which was eliminated.





The book value of the net assets acquired breaks down as follows:


In thousands of euros   07/29/2020  
Cash and cash equivalents     3,670  
Accounts receivable     9,492  
Inventories     568  
Other current assets     5,765  
Total current assets     19,495  
Property and equipment and right of use assets     4,266  
Intangible assets (excluding goodwill)     2,846  
Deferred income taxes     234  
Non-current financial assets     175  
Total non-current assets     7,521  
Total Assets     27,016  


In thousands of euros   07/29/2020  
Accounts payable     6,002  
Other current liabilities     3,541  
Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt     28,279  
Total current liabilities     37,822  
Accrued pension plan liability     247  
Long-term debt     1,014  
Total non-current liabilities     1,261  
Total liabilities     39,083  
Net Assets     (12,067 )


Goodwill related to the acquisitions, as determined using the full goodwill method, breaks down as follows:


In thousands of euros   07/29/2020  
Total of the purchase price paid in cash     3,534  
Book value of net assets acquired     (12,067 )
Goodwill     15,601  


The cash flows relating to the acquisitions can be analyzed as follows:


In thousands of euros   07/29/2020  
Cash and cash equivalents     3,670  
Net cash acquired     3,670  
Purchase price of shares     (3,534 )
Net cash inflow     136  





Note 5: Cash and cash equivalents


"Cash and cash equivalents" include cash and short-term investments (less than three months), which are highly liquid, readily convertible to a known amount of cash and subject to an insignificant risk of change in value. The effects of changes in the fair value of cash equivalents are recognized in financial income (loss). Net cash in the cash flow statement includes cash and cash equivalents less bank overdrafts 


In thousands of euros   09/30/2020  
Opening     0  
Acquisition of CryoPDP group     3,670  
Increase (decrease) during the year     3,366  
Foreign exchange rate adjustment     27  
At end of period     7,063  


Note 6: Account receivables


Trade receivables are initially measured at fair value and subsequently at amortized cost less impairment losses. They correspond to the fair value of the consideration to be received and are discounted if payments are deferred beyond the periods usually granted by the Group and if the effect on fair value is material.


In accordance with Ifrs 9, trade receivables are subject to an impairment loss determined by considering the expected credit losses over the life of the receivables, based in particular on the impairment rate calculated on the basis of historical non-payments. 


In thousands of euros   09/30/2020  
Opening     1  
Acquisition of CryoPDP group     9,492  
Increase (decrease) during the year     -752  
Variation of provision     -5  
Foreign exchange rate adjustment     74  
At end of period     8,810  
Gross value at end of period     9,296  
Accumulated impairment at end of period     486  


In accordance with IFRS 9 and considering the factoring arrangement, the Group maintains the transferred receivables under assets and classifies the debt to the factor under current financial liabilities.





From August 2020, the Group assigned its receivables (from its French and British entities) to the Factor and as of September 30, 2020, the closing balances with the Factor is as follow:


In thousands of euros   09/30/2020  
Assigned receivables     -3,049  
Factor guarranty deposits     307  
Factor current account     1,138  


Note 7: Inventories


Inventory is valued at cost using the first-in, first-out method.


Where appropriate, inventories are written down when their value in use is less than their carrying amount. 


In thousands of euros   09/30/2020  
Opening     0  
Acquisition of CryoPDP group     568  
Increase (decrease) during the year     -29  
Variation of provision        
Foreign exchange rate adjustment     9  
At end of period     548  
Gross value at end of period     548  
Accumulated impairment at end of period        


Note 8: Other current assets


In thousands of euros   Social
    Other receivables     Prepaid
    Total other
current assets
Opening     0       0       0       0       0  
Acquisition of CryoPDP group     1       2,442       2,301       1,021       5,765  
Increase (decrease) during the year     19       -364       -1,395       -111       -1,851  
Foreign exchange rate adjustment             40       -1       7       46  
At end of period     20       2,118       905       917       3,960  
Gross value at end of period     20       2,118       905       917       3,960  
Accumulated impairment at end of period                                        





Note 9: Property and equipment, and rights of use assets


In accordance with the criteria of IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment ("IAS 16"), property, plant and equipment include assets held either for use in the production or supply of goods and services or for administrative purposes. These assets are recognized as assets in the consolidated financial position if it is probable that the future economic benefits attributable to the asset will flow to CryoPDP and if the cost of the asset can be measured reliably.


The depreciation method used by the Group is the straight-line method. Property, plant and equipment are valued at their historical acquisition cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses.


They are depreciated over their useful life under the following conditions:


- Buildings: 10 to 30 years.


- Office furniture and equipment: 5 to 10 years.


- Computer equipment: 3 years.


- Transport equipment: 5 to 10 years.


Subsequent costs are included in the value of the asset or recognized separately if it is probable that the future economic benefits attributable to the asset will flow to CryoPDP and if the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Routine maintenance costs are expensed as incurred. Residual value is included in the depreciable amount when it is deemed significant.


The various components of an item of property, plant and equipment are recognized separately when their estimated useful lives and therefore their depreciation periods are significantly different.


The impacts on the balance sheet as of September 30, 2020 concern the recognition of a right of use. The lease term corresponds to the non-cancellable period plus any renewal options whose exercise by the Group is reasonably certain.


In thousands of euros   Property rights
and transport
    Computer and
office equipment
    Work in progress     Total tangible
assets and rights
of use
Opening     0       0       0       0       0  
Acquisition of CryoPDP group     1,811       1,950       286       219       4,266  
Increase (decrease) during the year     95       395               -219       271  
Amortisation charge     -175       -67       -49               -291  
Foreign exchange rate adjustment     5       13       1               19  
At end of period     1,736       2,291       238       0       4,265  
Gross value at end of period     3,030       6,274       1,315               10,619  
Accumulated depreciation and impairment at end of period     1,294       3,983       1,077               6,354  





Note 10: Goodwill


Goodwill is measured at cost, being the excess of the cost of shares in consolidated companies over the acquirer's interest in the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities.


Like all intangible assets with an indefinite life, goodwill is not amortized but is tested for impairment at least annually or more frequently when events or changes in circumstances indicate that it may be impaired.


Any impairment recognized is irreversible.


Negative differences between the acquisition cost and the acquirer's interest in the net fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired (negative goodwill) are recorded, after verification of their amount, directly in the income statement for the period. 


In thousands of euros   09/30/2020  
Opening     0  
Acquisition of CryoPDP group     15,601  
Foreign exchange rate adjustment        
At end of period     15,601  
Gross value at end of period     15,601  
Accumulated depreciation and impairment at end of period        


The goodwill relates to the acquisition of CryoPDP Group.


Considering that the Atlas acquisition occurred on July 29, 2020, the purchase price allocation following IFRS 3 has not been calculated yet. All goodwill existing in CryoPDP books prior to the acquisition by Atlas have been eliminated in order to calculate the gross value of goodwill as of July 29, 2020.


In a later stage and prior to twelve months after the acquisition, all identified assets and liabilities will be evaluated at fair value and accounted for, as part of the purchase price allocation.


As the context of the economic crisis associated with the Covid-19 pandemic was an indication of possible impairment, the impairment tests were performed internally on the basis of a business plan established in July 2020, integrating the possible effects expected from Covid-19. These tests do not question the recoverable value of the temporary goodwill.





Note 11: Intangible assets


Softwares are recorded at historical cost. Amortization is calculated on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful life (10 years).


Development costs are capitalized when they meet each of the following criteria:

- technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale;

- the company's intention to complete the intangible asset in order to use or sell it;

- the company's ability to use or sell the intangible asset;

- reliable estimate of future economic benefits;

- existence of technical and financial resources to complete the project;

- ability of the company to reliably measure the expenditure related to this asset during its development phase. These costs are amortized over their useful life.


In thousands of euros   Software and
other intangible
    Work in progress     Total intangible
Opening     0       0       0  
Acquisition of CryoPDP group     2,657       189       2,846  
Increase (decrease) during the year     101       -13       88  
Amortisation charge     -35               -35  
At end of period     2,723       176       2,899  
Gross value at end of period     3,785       176       3,961  
Accumulated depreciation and impairment at end of period     1,062               1,062  


Most of the other intangible assets and work-in-progress relate to the implementation of an ERP specific to CryoPDP's activity.


Note 12: Current and deferred tax assets and liabilities


Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rate that is expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, based on tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. Deferred taxes are recognized using the liability method on all temporary differences between the tax and book values of assets and liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet.


Deferred tax assets on loss carry-forwards are recognized in accordance with the criteria set out in IAS 12, i.e. deferred tax assets are recognized only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilized


In thousands of euros   Deferred taxes
from temporary
    Deferred taxes
from employee
    Total deferred
taxes income tax
Opening     0       0       0  
Acquisition of CryoPDP group     170       69       239  
Increase / (Decrease) of the period                     0  
Foreign exchange rate adjustment     -5               -5  
At end of period     165       69       234  





Tax assets and liabilities are grouped by group of fiscal units.


Potential deferred tax assets related to tax losses carryforward have not been recognized considering the historical tax losses. The CryoPDP group’s tax losses carry forward at FY19 end are the following:


In thousands of euros   12/31/2019  
France     0  
Pologne     607  
USA     1,090  
UK     0  
Singapore     2,269  
Australie     19  
Portugal     28  
At end of period     4,013  


Note 13: Accounts payable


In thousands of euros   09/30/2020  
Opening     4  
Acquisition of CryoPDP group     6,002  
Increase (decrease) during the year     -582  
Foreign exchange rate adjustment     55  
At end of period     5,479  


Note 14: Other current liabilities


In thousands of euros   Suppliers of
capital assets
    Taxes Payable     Other Payables     Total other
current liabilities
Opening     0       0       0       0       0  
Acquisition of CryoPDP group     26       918       2,019       578       3,541  
Increase (decrease) during the year     189       83       -515       -9       -252  
Foreign exchange rate adjustment             -2       20       -4       14  
At end of period     215       999       1,524       565       3,303  
      215       999       1,524       565       3,303  





Note 15: Short-term debts and long-term debts


Bank overdraft are included in the short-term debt.


Borrowings also include short and medium-term bank loans and debts related to rights of use.


Interest-bearing loans and overdrafts are initially recognized at fair value and subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. Differences between the amounts received (net of direct issue costs) and the amounts due on settlement or repayment are amortized to income over the term of the loan using this method.


In thousands of euros   Opening     Acquisition of
CryoPDP group
    New borrowings     Repayments     Other
    At end of period  
Borrowings non current portion                     21,700               (17,700 )             4,000  
Long-term leases liabilities - IFRS 16             1,014       20               (132 )     2       904  
Other financial liabilities non current                                                        
Long-term debt             1,014       21,720               (17,832 )     2       4,904  
Borrowings current portion             27,481               (27,612 )     17,700       131       17,700  
Short-term leases liabilities - IFRS 16             797       75       (175 )     132       4       833  
Other financial liabilities current                     3,067                       (19 )     3,048  
Accrued Interest                     1       183                               184  
Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt             28,279       3,325       (27,787 )     17,832       116       21,765  
Financial debt             29,293       25,045       (27,787 )             118       26,669  


In thousands of euros   Opening     Acquisition of
CryoPDP group
    New borrowings     Repayments     Other     Currency
    At end of period  
Financial liabilities             29,293       25,045       (27,787 )             118       26,669  
Cash and cash equivalent                     (3,670 )                     (3,366 )     (27 )     (7,063 )
Net debt               25,623       25,045       (27,787 )     (3,366 )     91       19,606  


Prior to the transaction between ALSA and HCP, CryoPDP had only intercompany financial indebtedness with ALSA.


On the closing date of the acquisition of CryoPDP from ALSA, HCP refinanced all the financial debts and set up a 21.7m€ financing. The main terms of this new debt were:


- 17.7m€: a 7-year in fine repayable bond loan with attached warrants, bearing interest at Euribor (3 or 6 months) + 6% margin. Each bond comprises a Class 1 warrant and a Class 2 warrant, which shall give the right to subscribe respectively to 502 Atlas’ preferred shares and 40 Atlas’ ordinary shares.


- Furthermore, a 5m€ capex line facility for potential future acquisitions on the same terms of repayment and interest as the 17.7m€ loan was agreed with the lenders. This capex line was not drawn as of September 30, 2020.


- 4m€ interest free seller’s loan repayable in two instalments: 0.5m€ to be repaid 5 years after the acquisition and 3.5m€ to be repaid 8 years after the acquisition.


- Two factoring arrangement contracts were signed at the beginning of August on the French and the UK operational entities for respectively 1.1m€ and 1.9m€. The factored accounts receivable are not derecognized and they are classified in short-term financial borrowings (see “Credit Risk”).


The Sale and Purchase Agreement of the acquisition of Atlas by CryoPort signed on August 21, 2020 provides that the 17.7 m€ long-term loan was due and repayable at the date of the effective acquisition on October 1st, 2020. In that extent, the loan is classified as short-term financial liability at September 2020 end. Furthermore, on October 01st 2020, the change in shareholder control breaks one of the covenants provided by the loan agreement, and the loans become due and payable.





At the closing of the transaction between HCP and Cryoport (October 1st, 2020), all the existing debt was refinanced except the 4m€ seller’s loan which remains in place:


- An intercompany loan was set up between Cryoport NV and CryoPDP for 18.8m€ in order to repay the 17.7m€. The 18.8 m€ intercompany loan with Cryoport NV have a maturity up to 2029 and an interest bearing as per Arm’s Length Standard as per OECD rules and regulations.


- 5m€ of additional capex facility agreed by the lenders were not drawn down and therefore cancelled


- Factoring facilities remains for the same amount as of September 30, 2020.


According to IFRS 9, the borrowings are measured using the amortized cost method. The 1.3m€ financing costs incurred for the financing of the acquisition of the CryoPDP Group by Atlas have been spread from the date of the CryoPDP acquisition until the date of the refinancing by CryoPort.


Note 16: Accrued pension plan liability


The Group accounts for defined benefit plans and defined contribution plans in respect of its retirement commitments, in accordance with the laws and practices of each country in which the Group operates.


The Group accounts for its pension commitments using the projected unit credit method as required by IAS 19. This valuation incorporates assumptions concerning mortality rates, staff turnover and future salary projections. The liability recognized in the balance sheet at each balance sheet date is the present value of the defined benefit obligation. 


They mainly comprise retirement indemnities under the collective bargaining agreement in France. The main assumptions used in 2019 are a discount rate of 0.77% and a salary increase rate of 3%. The amount has not been discounted. No variation has been booked at September 2020 end as it was not relevant.


Average discount rate     0,77 %
Mortality table     INSEE TD-TV 14-16  
Age of retirement     60 - 62 years  
Future salary increase     3 %
Turnover rate     0% - 6 %


Note 17: Share capital


Earnings per share are calculated by dividing the consolidated net income of CryoPDP by the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period.


Diluted earnings per share are calculated assuming the exercise of all dilutive options and using the "treasury stock" method as defined in IAS 33 Earnings per Share. 





Weighted average number of shares     12,432,500  
Weighted average number of shares in the calculation of diluted earnings per share     13,391,840  


The share capital consists of 12,432,500 shares.


There are dilutive instruments: 1.770 BSA Class 1 entitling 888,540 preference shares and 1.770 BSA entitling 70,800 common shares, associated with the 17.7 m€ bonds issued for the financing of the acquisition.


Note 18: Revenue recognition


The Group's revenues are recognized when the customer obtains control of the service. Control is defined as the ability to decide on the use of the asset and to obtain substantially all of the residual economic benefits. Most of the Group revenue is composed of transportation services recognized upon full execution of the service according to incoterms transportation contract. 


Note 19: Other operating income and expenses


Operating income and expenses include all income and expenses directly related to the Group's activities, whether these income and expenses are recurring or result from one-off decisions or transactions.


Other operating income and expenses are defined as unusual, abnormal, infrequent and significant. 


As of 30 09 2020, other operating income and expenses represented a net expense of €-2.6m K split as below:


In thousands of euros   09/30/2020  
Acquisition costs (not related to financing)     -2,618  
Others     -14  
Total     -2,632  


Note 20: Financial result


Cost of net financial debt is comprised of all income and expenses generated by the components of the cost of gross financial debt less those relating to cash and cash equivalents, including the related interest rate hedging gains and losses. 





Gross financial debt comprises current and non-current borrowings, other current and non-current financial liabilities and derivatives.


Other financial income and expenses are those not included in the cost of net financial debt. They mainly comprise foreign exchange gains and losses and other miscellaneous financial income and expenses. 


The financial result includes 1.3m€ of financing costs and anticipated repayment fees paid to the lenders.


Note 21: Income tax


The income tax as of September 30, 2020 was calculated on the basis of the actual taxable profit / (loss) of each entity.


According to IAS 12, a tax must be calculated based on a net amount of income and expenses, and this net amount may be different from the net accounting income.


The CVAE (Cotisation sur la Valeur Ajoutée des Entreprises) meets the definition of an income tax as set forth IAS 12 and therefore has been recognized under «Income taxes". 


In thousands of euros   Statutory  
Payable income tax     -664  
Deferred income tax     3  
Income tax     -661     


In thousands of euros   Statutory  
Profit before tax     -4,089  
Parent company's tax rate     28 %
Theoretical tax (charge) / gain     1,145  
Impact of unbook tax losses carried forward     -1,332  
Provision for uncertainties tax position     -450  
Others adjustments (permanent differences, rate, …)     -24  
Real tax (charge) / gain     -661  
Effective tax rate     -16 %


Following IAS 12 and IFRIC 23, the group analyzed its tax uncertain position in all geographic and a 450 k€ accrual was accounted for.


Note 22: Off-balance sheet commitments and contingent liabilities


As part of the deal with Air Liquide, Atlas obtained from Air Liquide a liability guarantee for specific identified risks and a general liability guarantee capped to 5 m€ over a 24 months period.





The SPA also provides with an earn-out to pay by Atlas to Air Liquide if the FY20 EBITDA of CryoPDP subgroup will exceed 4.4 m€. The maximum earn-out is 4.4 m€ if the EBITDA exceed 5.7 m€.


The two bonds loans (17.7 m€ and undrawn 5.0 m€), which were fully refinanced on October 1st, 2020, were subject to financial conditions related to:


- a minimum EBITDA for FY20 and FY21,


- a certain level of cash at FY21 end


- the ratio of Cashflow to Debt Service not less than 1.0


- the net senior leverage ratio (Total Senior Net Debt to Consolidated EBITDA) not exceeding specific decreasing ratios assessed every month from Dec21 end to the maturity date of the loans.


Furthermore, the Group has commitments on lease agreements signed before September 2020 end starting later. The new office in Tremblay (replacing the old AL facility in Bobigny) is signed for 10years- starting date 1st November 2020, with a monthly rent of 12.9k€. Total commitment of 1.5m€.


Note 23: Related party disclosures


HCP is considered as a related party. HCP charged 837 k€ of services to Atlas, of which 531 k€ remain in accounts payables on September 30, 2020 and will be repaid immediately after.


Note 24: Subsequent events


On October 1st, 2020, HCP sold to Cryoport Inc 100% of the shares of Atlas and all its subsidiaries. All the existing financial debt was refinanced except the 4m€ seller’s loan. For further information, please refer to Note 15 above.